Lux is a woman champion of royal Demacia, she has a fundamental talent to apply their skills and magic wands to becomes a very lethal weapon.
Damage 50 (+3.3 / per level)
Health 345 (+79 / per level)
Mana 250 (+50 / per level)
Move Speed 315
Armor 8 (+4 / per level)
Spell Block 30 (+0 / per level)
Health Regen 0.9 (+0.11 / per level)
Mana Regen 0 (+0.08 per level)

Light Binding (Q) - Lux releases a sphere of light that binds and deals damage to up to TWO enemy units, dealing 50% effect to the 2nd unit struck. Fires a ball of light towards a target location, binding and damaging up to 2 enemy units. The first target takes 60/110/160/210/260 (+0.7) magic damage and is bound for 2 seconds. The second target receives 50% of the effect.
Cost 60/75/90/105/120 Mana
Range 1000

Prismatic Barrier (W) - Lux throws her wand and bends the light around any friendly target it touches, protecting them from enemy damage. Lux throws her wand to the target location and back, protecting herself and all allied champions it touches from 50/75/100/125/150 (+0.3) damage for seconds.
Cost 75/75/75/75/75 Mana
Range 1000

Lucent Singularity (E) - Fires an anomaly of twisted light to an area, which slows nearby enemies. Lux can detonate it to damage enemies in the area of effect. Creates a zone that slows enemy units by 14/18.5/22/26/30% (zone lasts 5 seconds). Can be detonated to damage enemies in the area for 60/105/150/195/240 (+0.6) magic damage.
Cost 70/85/100/115/130 Mana
Range 1100

Finales Funkeln (R) - After gathering energy, Lux fires a beam of light that deals damage to all targets in the area. After a short delay, Lux fires a stream of light in front of her, dealing 300/400/500 (+0.85) to all enemy units in the area.
Cost 100/150/200 Mana
Range 3000

Illumination - Lux's damaging spells charge the target with energy for 6 seconds. Lux's next attack ignites the energy, dealing 20-190 (depending on Lux's level) magic damage to the target.
For masteries can be shown below:

I set Masteries with the composition of Offense / Defense / Utility are: 21 / 9 / 0. With details as follows:
Offense 21
Deadliness (3): 2% increased critical strike
Archmage's Savvy (3): increased 0.6 per level power ability
Sorcery (4): 3% reduces cooldown abilities
Archaic Knowledge (1): Your magic spell will penetrate 15% magic resistance
Burning Embers (1): when you're Ignite spell cooldown, get 10 ability power (useful when you take a Summoner spell Ignite)
Offensive Mastery (2): increases the damage to the Minion 4 point
Brute Force (3): increases attack damage by 3 points
Lethality (3): increases the critical strike by 10%
Havoc (1): increases physical damage and magic damage 5%
Defense 9
Resistance (3): 6-point increase magic resistance
Hardiness (3): increases armor by 6 points champion
Strength of Spirit (3): increases health regeneration champion where 0.3% of the maximum
Utility 0
For Rune composition, I will setup the composition as in the picture below:

Greater Mark of Insight: +0.95 penetration magic
Greater Seal of Vitality: health per level +1.08 (+19.44 champion at level 18)
Greater Glyph of Force: +0.17 power ability per level (+3.06 champion at level 18)
Greater Quintessence of Alacrity: +3.4% attack speed
With this composition I will get the statistics as follows:
Ability Power at level 18: +28
Health at level 18: +175
Attack Speed: +10%
Magic Pen: +8.5
My focus on this Rune composition is Magic Pen and Ability Power, this two elements would became my goal in setting up my version of Lux in League of Legends. For attack speed is actually still could be replaced with another status, but I need it for my standard attack while utilizing the Ignite from the effects of passive skills Illumination.
So far, the summoner spell that fit for Lux is:
1. Clarity (D)
2. Ghost (F)
The reason? Clarity is useful for recovering Mana which will be used when bombarding your opponent with spell. For Ghost, obviously useful to escape from the pursuit of the enemy, or to accelerate the speed rate when you try to pursue enemy target of getting range for firing Finales Funkeln (R).
Another spell that can be considered are:
1. Flash
2. Clairvoyance
3. Teleport
Flash is another escaping tool and can be taken instead of Ghost. Teleport provides you and your team with greater map control and can help Lux return to the fight quickly to help allies. Clairvoyance adds to your utility as a support champion and is also great for hitting your ultimate as enemies flee (especially through the jungle).
My skill priority for Lux in League of Legends is Light Binding (Q). This skill is very useful, in addition to stop the movement of opponent, the damage from this skill is very high. Coupled with the status of Magic Pen, the enemy will feel pain when you use this skill.
The second skill are Lucent Singularity (E). this skill can slow down the enemy movement, and the wider area of this skill will help killing minions that come in droves.
But, these two skills are not really primary. Nope, it’s not Funkeln Finales (R) also. But Lux passive skill (Illumination) that makes her a very dangerous champion. It is said, when you throw a damaging skill to target, this will cause the opponent (minions or champion) charged with Light energy for about 6 seconds. When the opponent been charged and then you attack him with regular attacks, this will double the damage received by the opponent, about 20-190 Magic Damage.
For all these reasons, I prefer to focus on damaging skills. So the build skill sequence is as follows:
1. Binding Light (Q)
2. Lucent Singularity (E)
3. Binding Light (Q)
4. Lucent Singularity (E)
5. Binding Light (Q)
6. Finales Funkeln (R)
7. Lucent Singularity (E)
8. Binding Light (Q)
9. Lucent Singularity (E)
10. Binding Light (Q)
11. Finales Funkeln (R)
12. Prismatic Barrier (W)
13. Lucent Singularity (E)
14. Prismatic Barrier (W)
15. Prismatic Barrier (W)
16. Finales Funkeln (R)
17. Prismatic Barrier (W)
18. Prismatic Barrier (W)
1. In the beginning, I bought Doran’s Ring to balance between Mana Regen and also Ability Power, and Health Potion

2. When gold reached 1400, I started thinking to the creation of Haunting Guise. The goal of this thing is to double the Magic Pen. (+20) when throwing Binding Light (Q). But speed movement is also important too, then the next thing I buy is Amplifying Tome, Ruby Crystal and Boots of Speed. Health Potion always be in my saving.

3. After getting Haunting Guise, the next target would be Sorcerer’s Shoes. Beside getting movement boost, the main focus of this item is also Magic Pen (+20). With these two items, I think it’s enough to kill a champion with a combination of Light Binding and Lucent Singularity.

4. Lich Bane is my next item. By getting Sheen first, because these items increase your regular damage after you throw any ability, which would duplicate the Ignite effect by Illumination. Lich Bane also slightly increase the movement speed in the field.

5. I do not focus on the manufacture of Mejai’s Soulstealer, because I don’t want a headache about stack that could come and go. But some guide that I found suggested to have this item as well.
6. The next focus is Nashor’s Tooth. I am looking for speed of normal attack. In addition to adding Attack Speed, Nashor’s Tooth also reduces the cooldown of abilities that are useful for harassment.
7. Rod of Ages, Rylai, AOS Crystal Scepter, Zhonya, AOS Staff Ring and Void is the last item that could be your alternative options for Lux.

Lux is the champion with the best binding ability, because in addition to giving damage when binding, also cause the Ignite effect and doubled the regular attack with magical damage. Therefore, I used to do the hide and sneak and hiding in the bushes when Lux release Light Binding (Q).

In addition, Lux can also use the Lucent Singularity (E) as a temporary Ward to open the closed areas such as bushes. Just throw the ball into the bushes with Lucent Singularity, then you can open the closed areas because of Fog of War.
Prismatic Barrier (W) requires accuracy when throwing the wand, but don’t forget that this wand will come back to you, thus can be used to continue creating a barrier effect to ally champion that has not affected at the beginning of the throw.
Always position Lux behind champions like Fighter, Tanker, or Assassin. Lux is a supporter, but can also be a major killer in the team because of the damage of her skill. But for position, obviously not possible if she is placed on the front lines.

Finales Funkeln (R) is a long range deadly skills, but this only happens when the enemy’s HP bar is around 25%. Finales Funkeln (R) can also be positioned to raise up the fighting spirit by collapsing the enemy’s HP. With a line of attack that is a straight line, you can injure a lot of opponent as long as they are inside the line. Always maximize the reach of Finalists Funkeln (R) by assisted with Ghost or items that increase the movement.

At least, though I lost, I did not become an embarrassing Lux in team :D

Interesting build indeed,
ReplyDeleteHowever i suggest you to try out AP build.
I am playing lux quite often and yet my ultimate does around 1200-1400 depends how i am fed.
With one rabadons hat and Mejai’s Soulstealer and then pick the other items with AP/magic penetration ...
Thanks for the nice comment :)
ReplyDeleteI've used ur build for some time now when I play lux and I love it, People don't know how to deal with her...hahaha I was just wondering with all the new changes if you have changed this build? If so and you update plz leave this build as is just add to it! I would like to try what ever you use now but don't want this one to change :) thank in advance
ReplyDeletejoe joe